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Transforming Guest Experience: Circuit's Dedicated Hotel Solutions in West Palm Beach

At Circuit, we believe that mobility creates opportunities and fosters strong communities, and we are thrilled to see various industries embracing this vision. Enhanced transportation access benefits everyone, especially hotel guests, by offering convenient, eco-friendly options to explore attractions and attend events without traffic or parking stress. In West Palm Beach, our 100% electric Dedicated Hotel Solutions serve three prominent hotels, providing guests with effortless access to the vibrant city while taking the hospitality experience up a notch.

In a recent roundtable, representatives from The Ben, Hilton West Palm Beach, and AKA West Palm shared how these shuttles are adding value to their hotels and elevating their guests' experiences. 

West Palm Beach Hotel Partners with Dedicated Circuit Shuttles

Did your hotel have transportation services before Circuit?

The Ben: We had a car service for larger groups, like weddings, but nothing like Circuit. It’s a game-changer, especially for short trips within a mile range. Guests no longer have to worry about parking or tickets.

AKA: Circuit is our first transportation offering, and it’s been a big hit with guests.

Hilton: We used to arrange buses or oversized vehicles when needed, but now we rely on Circuit as much as possible. It’s all about giving guests a hassle-free alternative to Uber or driving themselves. 

Why Circuit? What problem were you looking to solve?

The Ben: Guests were struggling with parking and transportation, especially in the summer heat. Circuit solved that problem, offering easy access to the beach, pool, or downtown without the parking hassle.

Hilton: During renovations, we needed a way to transport guests to nearby locations like the beach or pool. Circuit offered the perfect solution.

How did you fund the service?

The Ben: We budgeted it under sales and marketing.

AKA: It’s part of our destination fee. Since launching both at the same time, it’s become one of our most popular amenities.

Hilton: We funded it through our operating budget and it’s been a smart, cost-effective choice.

What made you choose the GEM vehicle?

The Ben: The GEM just feels right for a resort town like West Palm Beach. Its design fits perfectly with our "Old Florida" aesthetic.

AKA: It ties into our sustainability goals. And, as an independent brand, the added awareness from the GEM’s visibility is invaluable, it's like a roving billboard!

Hilton: It’s the perfect size for families or groups, and we love the styling. Plus, it doubles as a moving advertisement to promote our hotel, restaurant, and upcoming events.

Hilton West Palm branded Circuit shuttle

What are the peak hours for the shuttle?

AKA: Beach traffic during the day and dinner traffic at night. We structured our hours to catch guests returning from dinner.

Hilton: It all depends on guest demand, but we’ve seen a lot of early risers wanting to hit the beach first thing in the morning.

How has the Circuit program evolved with your hotel?

​​The Ben: It’s been pretty consistent, though we’re excited to expand it with our upcoming ice skating rink this fall and winter!

Hilton: We've tweaked the hours and added another vehicle. Circuit’s flexibility makes it easy to adapt.

How does Circuit align with your sustainability goals?

The Ben: Circuit fits seamlessly with the sustainability goals set by Marriott and Concord, and it helps us achieve those metrics.

AKAIt’s a nice visible signal for the guests that we're putting our money where our mouth is in terms of sustainability because I think we're all doing it to a certain extent. It does pass the sniff test with the consumers who are more and more savvy about what's really sustainable.

Hilton: We have ambitious goals for 2030, and Circuit is definitely helping us get there.

Has Circuit changed how you market your hotel? 

The Ben: Absolutely. We had a couple from Tampa who used to stay at the Four Seasons, but now they choose The Ben because of the shuttle. It’s one of their favorite perks!

How has guests' feedback been?

The Ben: Overwhelmingly positive—98% of guests love it!

Hilton: Great feedback. Our guests love the drivers, especially David, who gets complimented all the time.

Circuit’s hotel partners have seen firsthand how our electric shuttle service enhances the guest experience, drives brand visibility, and supports sustainability goals—all while offering a cost-effective transportation solution. By choosing Circuit, hotels can provide their guests with a unique amenity that simplifies local travel, reduces parking headaches, and fits seamlessly into their overall guest services. The flexibility of our service, combined with the sleek and sustainable GEM vehicles, makes Circuit an ideal choice for hotels looking to elevate their brand, improve guest satisfaction, and meet eco-friendly objectives. With strong guest feedback, easy implementation, and a track record of success, Circuit stands out as the best shuttle option for hotels wanting to offer an exceptional, eco-conscious transportation solution.


Adam Edgcom–Hotel Manager, The Ben

Jordan Rowan–General Manager, AKA West Palm

Christopher Giudice–Hotel Manager, Hilton West Palm Beach 

Paolo Romero–Director of Rooms, Hilton West Palm Beach

If you’re interested in learning more about bringing Circuit to your hotel, reach out to the Circuit team today.

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Your Local Electric Shuttle
Dedicated to improving the sustainability and connectivity of communities one ride at a time

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